Each day, we meet with different people.
We talked, we laughed, we said hello to each other.
Basically we interacted with people everyday.
It's a daily routine for all of us.
I always use my true heart to face each people.
Most of the time, they did the same to me.
However, there are these times, when your trusts are being abused.
You have faith in him, you trusted him.
In the end, he backstabbed you.
He used your faith in him to hurt your feelings.
Then, he pretended as if nothing has happened.
Hypocrites, that's what we call them.
I have already marked my eyes on you.
I don't allow any deed that hurt my friends. Anytime, anywhere.
I have tried,
But sometimes it's really hard to trust a person.
.C'est La Vie.