Okay, sorry for didn't update my blog for long time haha.
Haiz, for this case, I'm actually not that pissed but more to curious.
I'm curious why a person can change so much in just a very short time.
We were all good friends.
We played, we laughed, we had fun together.
Those memories WERE unforgettable.
I'm kind of burying the memories between you and me deep down in my pool of memories.
Maybe I'll dig it out one day, when I'm ready, when you're ready, that we can be friends again.
I don't know what are the problems that caused you this drastic change.
I thought we treated everyone fairly.
I didn't think that we are the problem causer as said by you.
What's your ******* problem?
You're the one who started it.
You're the one who over-think.
I love this quotes very much:
Over-thinking ruins you.
Ruins the situation,
twists things around,
makes you worry and,
just makes everything much worse than it actually is.
We talked nicely to you.
We provided solution for you.
We even let you to have the chance to voice out your point of view.
What we get in the end?
You're just merely barking there blaming us for the things we have done.
But frankly speak, I don't even know what we have done that gets you so mad.
1st, okay, so you said you're done staying with us, which I don't know what's the problem. So you moved out without telling us what's the problem.
2nd, we're following the rules, you beh song, you tell the whole world that WE XXXXXXXXXXXXX??!! (Okay I don't wanna say it out here)
What the hell that's a serious accusation okay?
Since you're so mean to us, now I can say,
I'm also done being your friend.
Bye, stranger.